Saturday, September 19, 2015

Tandem Biking Date

Image courtesy of Sira Anamwong at
Tandem bikes can be really fun to ride, however if you're looking to do this for a date, be sure to plan ahead, as this rental shop operates by appointment only. If you live in the heart of Houston, House of Tandems bike shop will be about a 30 minute drive for you, but getting out of the city a bit can provide some new scenery for your excursion. Check out their websites for current pricing and location details:

I think that tandem biking is the perfect activity to parallel marriage, if you don't mind spending some money (the rentals are fairly pricey ranging from $75-$150 per day rentals). While riding you will see that the two positions on the bike actually can add stability that isn't found in single biking
situations, it also illustrates the distribution of responsibility that can be found in marriage, but you can also see that it is possible, though harder, to continue moving forward without an even distribution of effort. There are so many connections to be made to marriage while on a tandem bike ride. See what you can come up with!

Relationship Reconnection:
Take this opportunity to point out the elements of marriage that you can see better through this biking experience. Take turns being the Captain (front biker) and Stoker (back biker) to better understand what responsibilities and challenges come with each position. Talk about things you can each do to help lighten the load that your spouse may be carrying.

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