Friday, September 18, 2015

Fall in Love

Fall is just around the corner! Fall is my favorite season. I think it is the perfect precursor for Christmas. This autumn season, take your spouse out and enjoy the colors of fall. There are several parks and hiking trials that can show the lovely color changes of fall. Find your favorite park or trail (which ever you prefer) with your spouse and go for a stroll around the park while looking at the beautiful site.

One of the most accessible hiking trials in Houston is Terry Hershey Park. This park has a pathed 12.5 mile trial for biking or hiking. If you are like me who can only handle maybe a mile, just turn around on the path and walk back. - This Link will give you updated information on what the weather is like and the conditions of the trial.

Relationship Reconnection:

As you are enjoying the beautiful colors of fall, try to focus on understanding your Spouse. There are several ways that this can be done, But a fun way is to play the 20 questions game. How does this work? Simple! Ask each other 20 questions about dreams, aspirations. You may ask personal questions, or not so personal. You may think you know everything about your spouse. But, this can give you the opportunity to understand your spouse and learn something new. 

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