Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Airplanes and Catching up

Image Courtesy of James Barker at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Are you or your spouse an introvert? My husband and I often get overwhelmed in large social settings, but we still like to go out when we want a date. Here is an idea for being in a unique location, but not really being with other people. Do you know where the George Bush Intercontinental Airport is? Head on over there. If you can find a nearby park or open area to park then do! If you need an idea of a place where you can park your car, try out the Cell Phone Lots. If you're at a park and can get out of your car then lay down and watch the planes coming in. Otherwise, just watch from your car while you snack on some date night treats and talk.

Relationship Reconnection:
Do you know how important it is to stay connected  with your spouse? One way to do this is to continually build your love maps. We do this by learning about our spouses. Don't try to over complicate the conversation, just learn what their day at work was like, or her day with the kids. Ask your spouse about what was frustrating, funny, upsetting or encouraging.  And really listen. It's hard to feel close to someone when you don't know what they are excited about or struggling with. Look each other in the eyes, snuggle or hold hands and let some of your walls down so your spouse can be more a part of your life.

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