Monday, August 31, 2015

A Night of Questions and Answers

How well do you really know your spouse? Well tonight is the night to find out! For this date night, all you will need is each other, a pencil and a piece a paper for you both. To begin, each creates 20 fill in the blank questions you want your spouse to answer. These can be any question you want! An example would be the question, ”My favorite thing about you is          ” and so on and so forth. Each of you creates your 20 and then give it to the other to fill in!

Once you have each filled our your spouses list, go through one at a time and compare the answers you got to the correct answers your spouse was thinking. Don’t worry if you got any wrong, even if you did, now you know!

Don’t Forget to Reconnect!

To end this question and answer session you had together, now it is time to make a list. Each of you makes a list about why you love your spouse. These can be anything from, “he rubs my feet when I am tired” to “she always keeps a clean house.” Try to mix it up with some that are deep and some that are lighter. Once you are done, give your list to your spouse and just appreciate them for who they are to you!

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Walk it Out

Walks are not only good for the body physically, but they are also great for your mind mentally and emotionally! I don’t know about you, but I have found that going on walks helps me solve the little worries I have and brings everything into perspective.

Tonight, why don’t you and your spouse take a walk, either to a predetermined destination, or just wander and let your legs take you where they may! Explore the area around you, and explore each other and what each of you are going through.

Don’t Forget to Reconnect!

A great conversation topic for this walk would be expressing to each other what it means to you to be a husband or a wife. Oftentimes when we marry we sort of just fall into these new titles without understanding what they mean. No matter how long you have been married, this activity can be uplifting for all! Each of you will find meaning in different things, but be open-minded and really listen to what your spouse has to say; you may learn something new about them! Understanding and working on these amazing titles that we hold as husband and wife can help us appreciate all that our spouses do, and also be motivated to be the best husband or wife we can be!

Project DIY

Many of us in our homes have one thing or another that we would really like to change or get done, but just do not have the time. Why not do something like this together? Dates come in all different shapes and sizes, just like people, and this one may seem strange but just give it a chance!

Each of you make a list of things that you would like to get done around the house, change, decorate, etc. and then collaborate together. Choose one that you would like to work on together for your date that night! The night can then consist of going to get the supplies you need, and then working together on some good old manual labor to complete a project you have been sitting on for who knows how long! This not only gives you the sense of accomplishment for completing this project, but you also did it together and worked as the team that you are!

Don’t Forget to Reconnect!

In light of building things for this date night, take some time to sit and talk together about the foundation and structure of your relationship. What is your marriage founded on? What principles build up the structure of your home and your family? I like diagrams, and one that could be fun to make together is a triangle diagram designed similar to the old food triangle, with a base and different levels leading to the top. Design your own “marriage triangle” including the structures and foundations that you just created for your marriage as a couple. Once complete, keep this a reminder of what you have built together and what you can continue to build as your marriage grows and strengthens!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Game Night Competition

Many family households nowadays have some sort of gaming systems, or even board games. Tonight it would be fun to create a little friendly competition between you and your spouse! There are many different games such as board games, video games, card games, etc. that you can choose from.

Work together and choose 3 games, of the various choices listed above, and have a little tournament with each other. Best 2 out of 3 wins! You can always add more, but this is a good start. Just remember that this is friendly competition; we don’t want negative feelings or words entered into the experience otherwise it will significantly lower the enjoyment.

Don’t Forget to Reconnect!

To reconnect during this game night, talk about each of your absolute top date night you have ever gone on together. It is always fin to reminisce and recall those happy memories! Each of your favorites does not have to be the same, and it is likely that you will each think of a different one. Talk about why this was your favorite, and if you can, try and recreate these date nights again some time in the future! It never hurts to repeat a date night, and it can be fun to get all excited about the planning and details all over again!

Volunteer Together!

One of the best ways to build a healthy relationship is to serve others together. This volunteering can take place at any location you would like; it just depends on what type of people you are! There are animal shelters that let you walk dogs, homeless shelters where you can serve food, you can even work together to make a blanket or something that you can donate to those who are less fortunate.

Another way that you can volunteer right at home is through cooking meals or baking. We all have neighbors, and often there is a good chance that those neighbors have struggles and would really appreciate a kind gesture. You can make a meal or bake some goodies together, and then go drop them off at that neighbor’s house together to let them know that you are aware of them and you wanted to help in this small way; they will definitely appreciate it!

Don’t Forget to Reconnect!

One of the hardest things to do for some people is to ask for help. The women in my family especially struggle with this, and I have seen how their lives have been made harder because they refused such help. For this date, on the idea of service and volunteering that we were focusing on, I would like you to take some time to think about how you can serve your wife. Each of you think of one way that your spouse could help you, and share it with them. Then each think of something separate you could each do for your spouse. Take these two things that have been expressed for how you can serve your spouse, and work on them specifically that week. This will strengthen your marriage relationship and will also create positive outcomes!