Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Roller-Skating Rascals

This date will not only get you out of the house, but it will give you a fun way to exercise as well! You’ll need to look up where your local rollerblading rinks are to find where the closest one to you is, but here are a few that you can find in the Houston area:

-ChampionsRoller World  (All reviews say that this was a great rink to go to. The only ‘complaints’ were about the music selection.)

-Sk8Town (Reviews say that it’s a great place to go skating, but not so great as a birthday party venue.)

If you haven’t gone rollerblading in awhile, or not at all, this is a great way to have fun with your spouse. Hold hands while skating, compliment each other for trying your best, and laugh with each other when stumbles occur—always helping each other back up.

Your Daily R&R Tip! (Relationship Reconnection):
Having a fun, physical activity like this helps husbands feel more connected with their wives since it is bonding through a recreational interest. In order for wives to feel more connected to their spouses, there needs to be a more emotional bond. So, each time you circle the skating rink, both husband and wife need to share at least one thing that they appreciated what their spouse did in the past week. This makes it so that each spouse can recognize and become more aware of the little things that their partner does around the house and at work. 

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