Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Holiday Blues

Summer seems to be the time where we are in between all of these great holidays. We have just celebrated the 4th Of July, but we still have months before the great ones like Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas come around.

So…. Why not create your own! Families are full of different traditions and hobbies that they enjoy, each being individual and unique. No doubt when you married your spouse, you both had different ways to celebrate the common holidays, as well as different traditions that you each added to your own family.

This is a time to bring some of those family made traditions together! Start by giving your holiday a name and a date, and mark it down on the calendar! This is a real holiday now for your family, and you will want to celebrate it annually just as you do the other ones. After you have named it and declared what day it will fall on, then decide what this holiday celebrates, what you will do to celebrate it, as well as what traditions you either want to start or continue to make this day special and unique to you as a couple as well as to your family.

Once you have your new holiday, celebrate it! This can be a couple or family affair, just make it a happy memory to start the rest of the special holidays that are to come ☺

Don’t Forget to Reconnect!
Holidays can bring out the best in some, and the worst in others. This is a time to bring out the best and be open to new ideas, especially those that may be important to your spouse. During this date, in order to reconnect, try to allow your spouse an idea that may not be your favorite, and they should in turn do the same for you. This compromise may bring out the best traditions that you have! And it will also allow you to work together as a couple, to put your spouse and their needs and desires first, which can only bring you both closer in the end.

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