Saturday, August 15, 2015

Team Work Date Night

Photo courtesy of

Going out on a date night sometimes isn’t possible, there seems to always be something that gets in the way of going on a date. The babysitter canceled last minute, you don’t have enough money to go out - and pay a babysitter at the same time, you ended up working late and didn’t get home in enough time, or you live in a rural area and the city is too far of a drive for a date night. The list goes on an on – but who said dating meant that you had to actually “go out”? No matter what the reasoning is for skipping date night, we have a great alternative a "date night in", instead of a date night out.

Often times you hear talk of team work with sports teams, or in the work place, but who said team building activities are just for those groups? The Marital unit is just as much of a team as any of the above mentioned groups. A marriage is the most important team you will ever be a part of. For this date night in you will need the following items:

-              Two ace bandages
-              Brownie box mix
-              Ingredients listed on the back of the brownie box.
-              8X8 baking dish
-              Mixing bowel
-              Whisk
-              Spatula

You will start this activity by tying the right hand of one spouse behind their back, then tying the left hand of the other spouse behind their back. Working together as a team, bake brownies together. This will likely be hard at first, as you are working, make sure to have fun - this is a date night after all!

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