Friday, March 11, 2016

Slip ‘N Slide.

Set up a Slip ‘N Slide in your backyard. Old tarps and a hose should do the trick. Not only is this silly date a sure success, but it’s refreshing way for the two of you to cool off in the heat of Houston.

Relationship Reconnection:  Physical touch is an important way to reconnect with your spouse. On the take date time to just give him a huge hug.  A long hug can help you relieve stress and help your worries flow away.  After the Slip ‘N Slide you guys are going to be sore.  Take some time to give them a nice back rub or neck massage. A nice massage can go a long way in rekindling love and romance.

Did Someone Say Free Samples?

Feeling hungry but don’t want to splurge on a restaurant date? Find a local food market or food festival and head over there with your spouse to enjoy some delicious samples. Free and Yummy.

Relationship Reconnection: This date will automatically create a friendly atmosphere for you and your spouse to reconnect.  You’ll get to learn more about their likes and dislikes when it comes to food.  You could even surprise them later by making their favorite sample for them!

Be a Tourist in Your Own City

Pick a nearby area that is unfamiliar to you and go explore it.  Dress up and take a camera. Take the subway or bus, get off at a random stop and see the sights. It’ll feel great to spend a day with no inhibitions and hey, the date practically plans itself!

Relationship Reconnection: This date will allow you to spend time together. Not spending enough time together is usually a big reason for couples disconnecting.  It’s understandable because there just isn’t enough time to go around!  It is time to get creative with your time and be open to non-typical dates! 

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Free Classes

Take a few minutes to check your community, church, and military installations newsletters or social media accounts.  Many times they offer fun free classes such as: Gardening, Home Improvement, Spirituality, Marriage, Finances, Leadership Skills, etc. These self-improvement classes could lead you and your spouse to a new fun adventure or hobby that might be just what you've been lacking in your lives. 

Relationship Reconnection

Learning together and accomplishing something new together will help each of you become more driven and connected. Pick a class that both of you would enjoy and watch how spending that time together will increase your appreciation for the other.   

Friday, March 4, 2016

Sunset Spice Up

Pull out the blankets and pillows with your spouse and get on the road.  Arranging the back of your vehicle with blankets and pillows will set the mood for a peaceful evening with the sun coming through your car by opening the back hatch. Or you can take in the sunset on a leisure walk or pack a small picnic and enjoy one of the most spectacular views that we do not stop and appreciate often enough.

Relationship Reconnection:
Romance is vital for you and your spouse to maintain a healthy relationship.  Try and do something romantic for him or her by thinking of something romantic they did for you when you first met. This will bring back happy memories and add to the new memory of enjoying the sunset.

Scavenger Hunt at the Local Library

Plan a romantic getaway night by going to your local bookstore. Make a list of things for you and your spouse to search for, such as:  
  • A yummy recipe you want to make for your spouse
  • A place you want to travel
  • A quote or poem that reminds you of your spouse
  • A kid's book you loved to read growing up
  • A new hobby or activity that you think your spouse would enjoy
  • Something that represents what you love most about your spouse
This fun free date can bring laugher, maybe even tears, back to your relationship.  
Good luck and have fun with it!

Relationship Reconnection:
At the end of the date ask your spouse what they loved most about the activity and why.  Then, share what you loved the most.  Being a good listener is essential to reconnect with your spouse and remember why you fell in love with them in the first place.