Friday, March 4, 2016

Scavenger Hunt at the Local Library

Plan a romantic getaway night by going to your local bookstore. Make a list of things for you and your spouse to search for, such as:  
  • A yummy recipe you want to make for your spouse
  • A place you want to travel
  • A quote or poem that reminds you of your spouse
  • A kid's book you loved to read growing up
  • A new hobby or activity that you think your spouse would enjoy
  • Something that represents what you love most about your spouse
This fun free date can bring laugher, maybe even tears, back to your relationship.  
Good luck and have fun with it!

Relationship Reconnection:
At the end of the date ask your spouse what they loved most about the activity and why.  Then, share what you loved the most.  Being a good listener is essential to reconnect with your spouse and remember why you fell in love with them in the first place. 

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