Wednesday, March 18, 2015

77070 Aerodrome Ice Skating Complexes

Strap on your old (or new) ice skates, and get ready to hold hands, a lot! What better a reason to hold hands than to keep from falling? Ice skating will give you that opportunity. Maybe you’re thinking that holding hands will actually make you fall. That may be the case! But nonetheless, ice skating can be a great way to laugh, have fun, and maybe get a little sore. You might be impressed with your spouse’s skills on the ice (or lack thereof). But you’ll never know unless you give it a shot. 
Image Courtesy of Digitalart at
Visit Aerodrome Ice Skating Complexes in Houston for this date.
Admissions: $8
Skate Rental: $4
Walker Rental: $4
Center your date on holding hands. Think about it, you probably held hands on every date before marriage. But for some couples, holding hands might be a lost art. It’s hard to be angry at somebody while you’re holding their hand.

Reminisce on the first time you held hands together. What were you doing? Where were you? What were you talking about? Try interlocking your fingers, it might even increase your joyful feelings for one another, or even increase stability while skating.

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