Tuesday, March 24, 2015

77066 - The Selfless Date

Have you ever noticed that after doing something really nice for your spouse you feel really good? Ever spend time serving someone and then come home to realize that all your worries have been forgotten about? Research has it that it is not by chance or coincidence that this happens.

At the National Institute of Marriage a research article shows, as many other research articles have shown as well, that those who spend time serving are much happier than those who do not. These people have greater personal relationships with others, have higher self esteem, and most applicable to you and why you are here on this blog...they have higher marital satisfaction.

Since we all want to be happier and we all definitely want to have higher marital satisfaction then maybe it's about time we start planning our dates more selflessly!

So lets get started: get out a paper and pencil and think up your spouses favorite things, maybe favorite memories, favorite activities, favorite food, even favorite sexual setting and in the case that your a girl, his favorite lingerie. Keep yourself out of the brainstorm activity completely and try to only focus on your spouses loves, some might coincide with yours which is all the better but try to keep the activity as unbiased towards your interests as you can.

Once your brainstorm is complete and you feel like you have enough to work with, create a date out of the things you have written down. For example: if one of his/her favorite memory is your proposal then try and visit the place it happened, or a place similar and have his/her favorite dinner there while listening to their favorite music. If you took your brain storming activity seriously then the date possibilities will be endless and incredibly endearing.

Tip: Take a minute after the date is complete to write down how spending all your energy trying to create your spouse's favorite date made your feel. Being able to reflect back on the positive feelings this date will inevitably bring will ensure you want to create more and more selfless dates in the future. You might be surprised to find that you spouse starts doing the same for you as well!

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