Mellow Mushroom |
The formula for a happy marriage, is the same formula for
living in Texas:
When you find a fault, don’t dwell on it!
Enjoy fresh homemade pizza at the Mellow Mushroom. While you are here indulging in scrumptious pizza try learning a new marriage skill. All married couples need to be Intentional about doing things every day to
enrich their marriage.
Married couples who are continuing to date, even if it's been fifty years later, have special activities they
purposefully engage in to continue to build and maintain their relationship.
These can be rituals that are special to the couple and keep their love strong.
If you need suggestions try these three things:
Connection rituals - to maintain the bond between two
people. This could be time set aside for a couple’s validating conversations. Remember, when you are communicating, turning toward's one another let's your spouse know they are validated.
Celebration rituals - to show honor, love, and respect
for each other. An example could be an annual private getaway for the couple’s wedding anniversary.
Love rituals - these are done to keep the romance alive in marriage - It can be something like an exciting and creative gift each spouse gives to the other on birthdays every
(Duncan, S. F., & Zasukha McCarty, S. S. 2012, (p. 27-37).
Your love needs to be celebrated each and every day! These practices above will cultivate your relationship making it more strong and united. Remember the formula for a happy marriage is, when you find a fault, don't dwell on it! Keep your love and communication close together, that way you will have a deep desire for companionship all the many years to come. Your love is just as important as celebrating those memorable moments. Your marriage is worth every effort to keep that love alive!
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