Monday, February 9, 2015

77377 Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

          As you incorporate novelty into your dates by experiencing new things together, you can keep your relationship from becoming stale. This will help you to get out of the grind of everyday life, build more excitement for each other and start anticipating date nights! One way to do this is to take horseback riding lessons! Make it a one time experience (30 min-1 hour) or plan a series of dates where you will receive multiple lessons spread out over weeks or months.

There are a couple places to choose from in the 77377 zip code such as SGF Winning Ways Farm  and Camelot Horse Center. Check out their websites for prices, contact info, and additional details.

Before starting your date, learn about The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse described by John Gottman which are criticism, contempt, defensiveness and stonewalling. Every relationship, bad or good, has conflict. But when the Four Horsemen accompany conflict then the relationship can really suffer. Learn about each of these behaviors by watching these videos:

What were the antidotes for The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse 
that you learned in the first video? 

Talk about the antidotes and how The Four Horsemen can be harmful to your relationship.

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