Friday, March 31, 2017

Friday Night Date Night

With five children it often feels daunting to steal even a few minutes with my husband; finding two hours for a date night often seems impossible. Sometimes it even feels a little extravagant. When so many people and things need our attention, is it really fair to leave the house for just us two?

Yet, there is something special about sitting across the table from the person you love and talking only to them, hearing about their week, and laughing together about funny stories from work or home. In those moments, your hands naturally find each other and you remember this is how you always dreamed marriage would be. You are friends, partners, and lovers. 

Perhaps you decide to take a stroll after dinner, holding each other’s hands just a little longer. Maybe it’s while you’re walking together that you begin to open up about your dreams or your fears for the future. There might be excitement, tears, or perhaps both, but the two of you feel safe and connected.

After years of making excuses about why we couldn’t go on date nights, I finally understand. It’s about the connection. This time nurtures the relationship and strengthens your connection. This investment of time says “You are important to me.”

So on a Friday night when others might be organizing a girls’ night or our teens are requesting a ride to hang out with friends, we choose to put our relationship first. We can be found at one of our favorite local spots, holding hands and sharing precious time together. 

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