Friday, September 25, 2015

Serving Together

There are so many opportunities to love and serve others. It can be incredibly healing in your own relationship to make time to serve together. As you watch the kindness that your spouse has for others, you may find yourself falling in love all over again with your better half.
Some places may have opportunities to register for a one time service date, although you might find it more beneficial to sign up to volunteer for a longer term position. This might be a great thing to incorporate into your relationship and lifestyle as we come up on the holidays.

Relationship Reconnection:
Take the time to talk about service opportunities that made an impact on you during your childhood. Discuss the options for serving that both of you might enjoy. Think about people in your neighborhood that might need help or visit for opportunities in the Houston area. Check out the list below to see if there’s a good fit for you:
-Rake leaves for an elderly neighbor, or widow
-Hold a yard sale and donate the proceeds to a family in need
-Make a plan and do any prep work to bring Thanksgiving or Christmas to a family in need
-Collect supplies for a classroom at your local school

Or come up with your own idea!

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