If you want to continue, go to the jewelry and ice cream sections. You can make this a fun, “get to know you better” date with any section in Walmart. And if you want to extend this date, bring home your spouse's favorite candy or icecream and a new movie!
Staying up to date on your spouses inner world increases what John Gottman calls your Love
Map. Your Love Map is everything you know about your partner- his or her current stresses, favorite TV shows, most embarrassing moments, bucket list, etc. How are
you supposed to love someone so much if you don’t really know them? Increase your Love Map at Walmart!
Image Courtesy of Photostock at freedigitalphotos.net |
Website: www.Walmart.com
I love this idea! Mapping out your spouse's love map can be so much fun! My husband's favorite color is Subaru STI blue. :)