How intelligent are you? We give a lot of credit to those that are smart with money, school, or on the street. But what about emotional intelligence? Do you know how to deal with your feelings?
Emotional Intelligence is equally as important. This article teaches four attributes of emotional intelligence:
Emotional Intelligence is often taught at businesses, but even more important than your relationships with your coworkers, is the relationship with your spouse.
- Self-awareness-You recognize your own emotions and how they affect your thoughts and behavior, know your strengths and weaknesses, and have self-confidence.
- Self-management-You're able to control impulsive feelings and behaviors, manage your emotions in healthy ways, take initiative, follow through on commitments, and adapt to changing circumstances.
- Social awareness-You can understand the emotions, needs, and concerns of other people, pick up on emotional cues, feel comfortable socially, and recognize the power dynamics in a group or organization.
- Relationship management-You know how to develop and maintain good relationships, communicate clearly, inspire and influence others, work well in a team, and manage conflict.
Emotional Intelligence is often taught at businesses, but even more important than your relationships with your coworkers, is the relationship with your spouse.
For your date, get away for a night:
My husband and I tried out the emotional intelligence quiz the other night on our date to Texas Roadhouse. It's a 15ish questionnaire with surprising multiple choice answers. I was pleasantly surprised by being 'above average' emotional intelligence and my husband was 'average'. We were able to talk about circumstances that we are comfortable and uncomfortable in together based on the 4 markers of emotional intelligence. Thanks for a fun night!