Saturday, May 16, 2015

77005 Chocolate Taste Testing

Calling all chocolate lovers. Have you ever wondered which country makes the best chocolate? Why not do a chocolate taste test! This date will take some preparation. You will need to buy some chocolate bars that are from different countries around the world. Chocolat du Monde is a great place to find some. You can buy different flavors, different percentages of cocoa, and different brands. Mix it up a bit so you can see what kinds you really like.

Bring the chocolate home and share it with your spouse. For each different chocolate rate how much you liked it from 1 (meaning not very much) to 10 (a piece of heaven). Write down any thoughts or opinions you have. If it's helpful you can use this chart to record your answers. Then after you have tried each chocolate discuss with your spouse your findings. Which did you like best and why? Which did you like least? Where is the best chocolate made? If you could go anywhere in the world to buy chocolate, where would you go? What was the best chocolate you've ever had in your life?

It’s so important to get to know your spouse better. Whether you have been married 1 year, 10 years or 50 years, there is always more to learn about your spouse. John Gottman says "The simple truth is that happy marriages are based on a deep friendship”. Strengthening that friendships leads to a stronger marriage.

Chocolat du Monde
2428 Times Blvd
Houston, TX 77005

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